Home delivery of in Palm Residences
Desserts الحلويات
Coconut Cheese Cake شيز كيك جوز الهند
Chocolate Brownies براوني الشوكول
Chocolate Ice Cream آيس كريم الشوكول
Sides أطباق جانبية
Cheese Chips رقائق الجبنة
Crispy Kale Chips شبس الكيل المقرمش
Cauliflower Rice رز القرنبيط
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Mains الأطباق الرئيسية
Egg Muffins مافن البيض
Cupcakes of beaten eggs, minced meat, colored peppers and aromatic herbs served with a side salad.
All Protein Pizza بيتزا البروتين
Pizza crust of flavored and herbed chicken patty topped with marinara sauce, pepperoni, hot dog, olives, onion, green pepper and cheese.
Mediterranean Salmon سالمون مديتيرينيان
Pan seared salmon with eggplant, sundried tomatoes, olives, and garlic served with cauliflower puree.
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Salads السلطات
All Greens Salad سلطة ورقية
Kale, fresh spinach, rocca, mixed lettuce leaves, avocado with our ranch dressing.
All Greens Salad with 150g of Grilled Salmon سلطة ورقية إضافة 150غ من السالمون المشوي
Salad with 150g of grilled salmon. Kale, fresh spinach, rocca, mixed lettuce leaves, avocado with our ranch dressing.
All Greens Salad with 120g of Grilled Chicken سلطة ورقية إضافة 120غ من الدجاج المشوي
Salad with 120g of grilled salmon. Kale, fresh spinach, rocca, mixed lettuce leaves, avocado with our ranch dressing.
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