Yalla restaurant

Restaurant GYMFOOD

Internet City 2, Zee Tower Al Sufouh, Al Sufouh 2 - Dubai


Home delivery of Juices, Salads in Internet City 2


Honey Mustard 25g (Meal 2)

Avocado 50g (Meal 2)

Salmon 100g (Meal 2)

+ 161

Meal for 2

Chicken (Meal for Two)

2 portions of 100g Chicken, any 4 Sides with 2 Sauces.

Meat (Meal for Two)

2 portions of 100g Meat, any 4 Sides with 2 Sauces.

Salmon (Meal for Two)

2 portions of 100g Salmon, any 4 Sides with 2 Sauces.


Beet Blast Juice

Calories-153, Carbs -30g, Fat-1g, Protein-4g, Fibre-6g

Grapefruit Mint Juice

Calories-95, Carbs -20g, Fat-0g, Protein-2g, Fibre-2g

Lean Green Juice

Calories-152, Carbs -29g, Fat-1g, Protein-2g, Fibre-1g
+ 5

Sides (Vegetables)

Asparagus 50g

Calories-18, Carbs -1g, Fat-1g, Protein-1g

Avocado 50g

Calories-83, Carbs -5g, Fat-7g, Protein-1g

Beetroot 50g

Calories-25, Carbs -5g, Fat-0g, Protein-0g
+ 4

Sides (Carbs)

Crushed Sweet Potato 100g

Calories-57, Carbs -22g, Fat-1g, Protein-2g

Mushroom Rice 100g

Calories-130, Carbs -29g, Fat-0g, Protein-2g

Quinoa 100g

Calories-123, Carbs -22g, Fat-2g, Protein-4g
+ 2

Protein Meal

Build Your Own Chicken

Build Your Own Meat

Build Your Own Salmon

Home delivery in United Arab Emirates

GYMFOOD deliver your meals as quickly as possible. Ask the restaurant if they have take out orders.