Yalla restaurant

Restaurant Dar Al Karak \u0026 Al Mehala دار الكرك والمحلى - Al Bandar

Al Dhafrah, Salam Street, Al Dhafrah, Al Aman


Home delivery of Dessert, Tea in Al Dhafrah


Small صغير

Small صغير

Small صغير

+ 25

Others أنواع مختلفة

Custard كاسترد ساخن

Custard Red Seed كاسترد حبة حمراء

Milk Red Seed حليب حبة حمراء

+ 10

Coffee and Drinks القهوة والمشروبات

Arabic Coffee قهوة عربية

Small or large.

Turkish Coffee قهوة تركية

Small or large.

Cappuccino كابتشينو

Small or large.
+ 7

Karak and Tea الكرك والسليماني

Karak كرك عادي

Karak Ginger كرك زنجبيل

Karak Cardamom كرك هيل

+ 9

Paratha سندويشات البراتا

Paratha Cheese براتا جبن

Paratha Sugar براتا سكر

Paratha Cheese and Honey براتا جبن وعسل

+ 23

Khameer الخمير

Khameer Cheese خمير جبن

Traditional small bread piece with saffron stuffed with cheese.

Khameer Honey خمير عسل

Khameer Molasses خمير دبس

+ 23

Traditional Plates and Sweets أطباق وحلويات شعبية

Loqemat صحن لقيمات

Crisp loqemat balls with dates' molasses.

Loqemat Cheese صحن لقيمات بالجبن

Crisp loqemat balls stuffed with melted cheese.

Marasee مراصيع

Small pieces like pancake with black seeds and honey.
+ 12

Jabab الجباب

Jabab Cheese جباب جبن

Traditional bread with saffron (mildly sweet) with cheese.

Jabab Al Dar جباب الدار

Traditional bread with saffron (mildly sweet) with honey, eggs and hot melted cheese.

Jabab Cheese and Honey جباب جبن وعسل

+ 10

Regag and Mohala الرقاق والمحلى

Regag Cheese رقاق جبن

Traditional thin bread with cheese

Regag Honey رقاق عسل

Regag Molasses رقاق دبس

+ 29

Home delivery in United Arab Emirates

Dar Al Karak \u0026 Al Mehala دار الكرك والمحلى - Al Bandar deliver your meals as quickly as possible. Ask the restaurant if they have take out orders.