Yalla restaurant

Restaurant Bosnian Kebab Restaurant - Hili Mall

Hili Mall, Opposite Green Line Car Wash, Street 9, Al Falah Street, Al Hili


Home delivery of Kebab, Grill in Hili Mall


Small صغير


Medium وسط

+ 2

Drinks المشروبات

Pomegranate Drink شراب الرما

Small, medium or large.

Roselle Drink شراب الكركدي

Small, medium or large.

Ayran Laban لبن عيران

Small, medium or large.
+ 5

Sides الاطباق الجانبية

French Fries بطاطا مقلية

Plain Bosnian Kebab Bread خيز كباب بوسني ساده

Main Course الاطباق الرئيسية

Bosnian Beef Kebab كباب بوسنه لحم

Bosnian Chicken Kebab كباب بوسنه دجاج

Ludo Beef Kebab كباب لحم لودو

+ 9

Home delivery in United Arab Emirates

Bosnian Kebab Restaurant - Hili Mall deliver your meals as quickly as possible. Ask the restaurant if they have take out orders.